I enjoyed receiving your last letter. It has been cool and rainy here. Each day passes, and though the time drags when evaluated microscopically, the macroscopic whole of these past three weeks has flown by. My time here has indeed been paradoxical, a kind of crawling sprint. It seems, in a way, as if I've always been here: yet I remember my previous existence with a sort of wistful nostalgia. Time drags slowest when closely monitored, I believe. "The watched pot never boils", as Reitz says.
We have been informed total control will end the day after tommorrow- Thursday. That would be nice, but it seems scary also. At least with total control the lines of acceptable/not acceptable were clearly delineated. With non-total control, there is no exact standard for where to be when at points, I'm sure.
I've adjusted to this crazy life pretty well now- getting up before 5 AM every morning (usually 4:40) seems normal. The time is passing quickly as well. I know soon I will stand in that graduation ceremony and march through. Then, I'll go to Taco Bell- wow, how I've craved that place!