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Friday, June 26th, 1998

Dear Family,

The big test has arrived (yesterday), and I passed it. Yes, I have now officially "qualified" on the M16A2 rifle, which means I will not have to restart Basic. The minimum required to qualify was 23 out of 40 targets. Wednesday, at Range 22 (which is more difficult than the range we actually qualified on- Range 20) I shot 31 out of 40 pop-up targets, which would have been "Sharpshooter". Yesterday, however, I only shot 26 of 40. It's a "go" nonetheless. Some of my "battles" (battle buddies- it's part of the lingo here) still haven't qualified, but such persons will get another chance.

Also yesterday we went through a confidence course where we basically contorted our bodies on strange wooden edifices high above the ground, with ropes and cables. It was fun, however- everyone in my platoon said it reminded them of recess.

Today we are going to receive our Class A uniforms. Also, strangely enough, we are attending a laser-light and smoke concert tommorrow night- it's a money making scheme for the Army Association. The drill sergeants all basically think it's a load of bull that we're even allowed to go. Sergeant Westbrook yesterday kept talking about- "You people will take your happy little asses over there, they'll play music you don't even like, and you'll whine. They're just trying to take our money anyway, people... etc." It was actually funny- he was so sour and grumpy about it, talking about no one having any fun anyway. That just made everyone want to go even more, though. Don't know what it will be like- I'll let you know.

It's been REALLY hot and humid here this entire week- 90 degrees, "Heat Category Five" in Army terms, which is the highest heat category. We've been outside all week too, practicing for BRM (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) qualification.

Well, it's just 25 days until y'all come down, once today is over. I'm so glad I passed BRM- now all I need to do is pass EOCT (End of Cycle Test) and the PT Test Final. I know I'll make it out of here now, which is a wonderful thing!

Last night, they let us drink Coke, as a reward for qualifying. It was so strange- even the can itself looked and felt foreign. We all marveled at it.

Well, I need to go get fitted now. Take care, hope to hear from you soon.


P.S. I've already made $640.58 in pure profit, and another $487 or so should be coming in on the 30th.

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