They've been rough, ruthless, and completely dominant over us. In fact, we are still in the so called "red phase"- total control. To give an idea of how tough they've been, I've been "dropped" (put in the pushup position for punitive reasons) at least 4 to 5 times now- and I'm not a trouble maker.
It's been hot, sweaty, and tiring here. The so-called "summer BDUs" are completely stuffy, and we are authorized only one shower a day, in the evening. The result is a distinct feeling that I am a 3rd world country refugee, with no rights and no worth. Having said that, it hasn't really been too bad- I haven't been "smoked" so far today. The food here is SO good, and the water isn't too bad either. The drill sergeants are real human beings (underneath the "act"), and I think I'll make it.
We had our diagnostic P.T. test Saturday morning- I did 35 pushups (only had to do 32 to pass), 61 situps (only had to do 52 to pass), and ran the 1 mile in 6:18. I think I'll definitely be in the "A" group for P.T., seeing as I passed my first P.T. test.
One thing I have found regretable is the fact they split up the 4th reception platoon- we're all in the same Company, however. We had all become pretty tight over there in reception- I guess the distribution of us over the 4 platoons of Bravo Company helps the platoons cohese. Cohesion I mean. I'm losing my vocabulary here.
So, my naieve enthusiasm has been replaced with an all too clear understanding of what it will take to make it through Army B.T. I do have what it takes, however. Our room in the barracks is cool too- 8 of us in it, all 3rd platoon. We work really well together to get everything done. The sense of group unity is really well established as well.
The eloquence of this coorespondence has been somwhat lacking, but I suppose if one writes as he hears, I haven't been given much to write from. The drill sergeants all dangle their participles, in between profanities and subject/verb disagreements. What a terrible place for an English major.
Well, I'm gonna go for now. Graduation is tenetively scheduled for JULY 23rd.
Take care,