M16 Rifle M16 Rifle
Range 20- BRM Qualification Range
One of the most fundamental and important skills acquired in Basic Training is the ability to aim and fire the M16A2 Rifle. To this end, weeks three and four of training are almost wholly devoted to Basic Rifle Marksmanship. Here, you will learn first how to take apart, clean, and reassemble your rifle. Then, through classroom instruction and "dry fire" exercises (no rounds), you practice in garrison what you will use on the ranges.

The Armsroom- Good Place to get a Weapon The first "live fire" day on the range can be somewhat unnerving. The sight of a hundred some-odd privates with loaded weapons and about as much experience as YOU can, actually, be semi-terrifying. You soon realize, however, that the skilful instruction of the drill sergeants combined with the tough safety code on the ranges makes an accidental killing highly unlikely. At this point, you dismiss the idea of "accidentally" clocking a grumpy chow hall lady in the head and instead begin to enjoy firing the weapon. The "kick" is slight, and when you concentrate on the techniques you have been taught, you may find that success comes easy for you. In the following days, you are introduced to "pop-up" targets (that is to say they pop-up from behind dirt mounds) at 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 yards distance.

After your week of practice fire, you will perform a "record fire", and if you hit twenty three of the forty "pop-up" targets, you have "qualified" on the M16A2. You will be awarded a medal based on your performance (Marksman, Sharpshooter, or Expert), and you will also be able to rest assured that, if ever the grumpy chow hall ladies pose a threat, you can... alright then, that's enough. On to the Grenades.

Hand Grenades

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