You will also don your Class A Uniforms- likely the first time you have actually worn them- for the inspection from the colonel. You will stand at attention when he enters the room, and will answer all questions he asks you. He will inspect everything about the room and you as well. With some luck, he will be pleasant and not overbearing. This is often the case, and privates actually end up enjoying the inspection more than dreading and fearing it.
The next day you will go back to CIF (Central Issue Facility) to turn in all the newly cleaned equipment. After this, you are all but finished. Perhaps the last evening you will spend with your battles at the PX Shoppette, drinking soda and eating candy. This is in itself a testament you are finished, for doing so earlier would have constituted a criminal trespass. The next day you will complete any undone business around the barracks and, in the afternoon, get into your Class A's once again. This time you will go to the theater, where your loved ones will be waiting for you. This is a much anticipated moment for most privates. You will then go to the graduation banquet, after which you will have free time until late evening. It is amazing how much you have to talk about. They will likely notice changes in you as well. Perhaps it is in your stride, or the manner in which you speak. Perhaps it is the pride written across your face, or the character deep-set in your eyes. Whatever the reason, they will know you are a soldier now, tried and true.