Basic Combat Training
Bravo 2-47 Marching Near the Dining Facility

Welcome to Fort Leonard WoodWelcome to Fort Leonard Wood
It's 10:30 PM... the charter bus is engulfed in anxious silence as the sign rolls near... "Welcome To Fort Leonard Wood- Army Installation of Excellence". ...And it's only the beginning...

43rd AG (Reception) Battalion43rd AG (Reception) Battalion
Where else... but at good ol' 43rd? Those of us who have had the pleasure of attending remember it as a place of long days and naieve enthusiasm. Welcome to the first stop on the long road of Basic Training.

Phase I- The First Two WeeksPhase I- The First Two Weeks
Cold, hard reality assaults most privates in these first two weeks. This isn't Boy Scout Camp, it's not a picnic "back on the block". It's all about the pushup, the situp, and the side-straddle hop. Welcome to the Army.

Phase II- Learning the SkillsPhase II- Learning the Skills
The process of soldierization is (hopefully) complete, and the focus is now learning to use the weaponry of the U.S. Army in its many forms.

Phase III- Advanced Field TrainingPhase III- Advanced Field Training
The knowledge and skill gained through Phase II weapons training prepares for advanced exercises, such as lane training, night infiltration, and reconnaisance fieldwork.


With all training complete, the privates don Class A uniforms and march to the theater- the day has finally arrived

Letters HomeLetters Home
My collection of letters, unedited, give the details of daily life in Basic. As it really happened.

Music in the MarginsMusic in the Margins
New!! A collection of the songs I composed in my notes notebook during Basic. In mp3 format, downloadable!

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